
鏃跺厜涔嬭疆 The Great Hunt_559

at Egwene's hair. "Besides, if you leave Rand lying about loose,Homepage, I might have a chance to pick him up."
"I don't think either of us is going to have him," Egwene said sadly.
"Then we'll find whoever he does choose and make her life miserable. But he couldn't be fool enough to choose someone else when he could have one of us. Oh, please smile, Egwene. I know he's yours. I just feel" - she hesitated, searching for the word - "free. I've never had an adventure. I'll bet we won't either of us cry ourselves to sleep on an adventure. And if we do, we will make sure the gleemen leave that part out."
"This is foolishness," Nynaeve said. "We are going to Toman Head. You've heard the news, and the rumors. It will be dangerous. You must stay here."
"I heard what Liandrin Sedai said about the - the Black Ajah, too." Elayne's voice dropped almost to a whisper at that name. "How safe will I be here, if they are here? If Mother even suspected the Black Ajah really existed, she would pitch me into the middle of a battle to get me away from them."
"But, Elayne-
"There is only one way for you to stop me coming. That is to tell the Mistress of Novices. We will make a pretty picture, all three of us lined up in her study. All four of us. I don't think Min would escape from something like this. So since you are not going to tell Sheriam Sedai, I am coming, too,retro jordans for sale."
Nynaeve threw up her hands. "Perhaps you can say something to convince her," she told Min.
Min had been leaning against the door, squinting at Elayne, and now she shook her head,Link. "I think she has to come as much as the rest of you. The rest of us. I can see the danger around all of you more clearly, now. Not clearly enough to make it out, but I think it has something to do with you deciding to go. That's why it is clearer; because it is more certain."
"That's no reason for her to come," Nynaeve said, but Min shook her head again,cheap jordan shoes.
"She is linked to - to those boys as much as you, or Egwene, or me. She's part of it, Nynaeve, whatever it is. Part of the Pattern, I supp

