
  Kitty was puzzled and piqued by these changes

  Kitty was puzzled and piqued by these changes, and being a bornflirt tried all her powers on David, veiled under guilelessgirlishness. She was very pretty, very charming, and at times mostlovable and sweet when all that was best in her shallow little heartwas touched. But it was evident to all that her early acquaintancewith the hard and sordid side of life had brushed the bloom from hernature, and filled her mind with thoughts and feelings unfitted toher years.

  Mrs. Sterling was very kind to her, but never treated her as she didChristie; and though not a word was spoken between them the elderwomen knew that they quite agreed in their opinion of Kitty. Sheevidently was rather afraid of the old lady, who said so little andsaw so much. Christie also she shunned without appearing to do so,and when alone with her put on airs that half amused, half irritatedthe other.

  "David is my friend, and I don't care for any one else," her mannersaid as plainly as words; and to him she devoted herself soentirely, and apparently so successfully, that Christie made up hermind he had at last begun to forget his Letty, and think of fillingthe void her loss had left.

  A few words which she accidentally overheard confirmed this idea,and showed her what she must do. As she came quietly in one eveningfrom a stroll in the lane, and stood taking off cloak and hood, shecaught a glimpse through the half-open parlor door of David pacingto and fro with a curiously excited expression on his face, andheard Mrs. Sterling say with unusual warmth:

  "Thee is too hard upon thyself, Davy. Forget the past and be happyas other men are. Thee has atoned for thy fault long ago, so let mesee thee at peace before I die,link, my son.""Not yet, mother, not yet. I have no right to hope or ask for anywoman's love till I am worthier of it," answered David in a tonethat thrilled Christie's heart: it was so full of love and longing.

  Here Kitty came running in from the green-house with her hands fullof flowers, and passing Christie, who was fumbling among the cloaksin the passage, she went to show David some new blossom,LINK.

  He had no time to alter the expression of his face for its usualgrave serenity: Kitty saw the change at once, and spoke of it withher accustomed want of tact.

  "How handsome you look! What are you thinking about?" she said,gazing up at him with her own eyes bright with wonder, and hercheeks glowing with the delicate carmine of the frosty air.

  "I am thinking that you look more like a rose than ever,fake uggs online store," answeredDavid turning her attention from himself by a compliment,Replica Designer Handbags, andbeginning to admire the flowers, still with that flushed and kindledlook on his own face.

  Christie crept upstairs, and, sitting in the dark, decided with thefirmness of despair to go away, lest she should betray the secretthat possessed her, a dead hope now, but still too dear to beconcealed.

  "Mr. Power told me to come to him when I got tired of this. I'll sayI am tired and try something else, no matter what: I can bear anything, but to stand quietly by and see David marry thatempty-hearted girl, who dares to show that she desires to win him.

